10 hacks on how to save 10 working hours for busy B2Bs

Time is money, especially for busy B2B business owners who juggle numerous responsibilities daily. Finding ways to save time can significantly impact productivity, allowing you to focus on core business tasks and achieve your goals more efficiently. In this article, I'll share ten practical hacks to help you save ten working hours immediately.

Leverage task automation:

Automation is a game-changer when it comes to saving time. Identify repetitive tasks that eat up your hours, such as data entry, email responses, or social media scheduling, and automate them using tools like Zapier, IFTTT, or customer relationship management (CRM) software.

I use Hubspot as my go-to CRM, and it reminds me to follow up with a client or send an email to that warm lead. Automating these tasks will free up valuable time to concentrate on more critical aspects of your business.

Optimise meetings:

Meetings are notorious time consumers, but they don't have to be. Start by ensuring that every meeting has a clear purpose and agenda and send an email stating it beforehand. Set a time limit and stick to it (30 minutes is plenty for most meetings).

Encourage active participation and keep distractions to a minimum. Consider using video conferencing tools like tldv or Otter; they record and transcribe the meeting for you and sum up the most critical points afterwards. No need to write anything down. 

Delegate and outsource:

As a business owner, you must recognise that you can't do everything yourself. Delegate non-core tasks to your team members, empowering them to take ownership and contribute to the business's growth.

Additionally, consider outsourcing tasks that external experts can handle more efficiently, such as accounting, marketing, or IT support. This way, you'll save time and benefit from specialised expertise.

Adopt project management tools:

Implementing project management tools like TrelloAsana, or Monday.com can work wonders in streamlining workflows, enhancing collaboration, and ensuring accountability.

These tools enable you to assign tasks, set deadlines, track progress, and communicate with your team seamlessly. You'll save hours of unnecessary back-and-forth communication.

Prioritise and Time Block:

Effective time management starts with setting priorities. Identify your most important tasks and allocate dedicated time slots to work on them. Use time-blocking techniques to create a structured schedule, ensuring that specific blocks are solely dedicated to essential tasks.

I set weekly goals for the week at the beginning of the week and three daily goals to make sure I keep up with my tasks. By proactively managing your time, you'll minimise distractions and progress significantly towards your goals.

Minimise email overload:

Emails can quickly become a black hole of productivity. The average person checks email 77 times daily and spends nearly a third of their workweek managing a constant influx of emails. Implement strategies to manage your inbox efficiently. 

Set aside specific times during the day to check and respond to emails instead of being constantly reactive. Use email filters and folders to categorise messages, unsubscribe from irrelevant newsletters, and consider using tools like SaneBox or Boomerang to automate email organisation and scheduling. 

Jocelyn Glei's book is worth reading if you want to streamline your inbox. 

Streamline communication channels:

Multiple communication channels can create confusion and waste time. Simplify your B2B communication processes by consolidating channels.

Choose a primary communication platform, such as Slack or Microsoft Teams, and encourage your team members and clients to use it for all work-related discussions. This will minimise the need to switch between different apps and platforms constantly.

Forget about Zero Inbox:

Spending excessive time managing your inbox takes away precious hours that could be dedicated to more meaningful and impactful work. Constantly organising, archiving, and responding to emails can distract from tasks that require your full concentration and creativity.

Instead of obsessing over an empty inbox, focus on activities that drive your business forward and contribute to your long-term goals.

Eliminate unnecessary meetings and interruptions:

Not all meetings and interruptions are necessary. Before scheduling a meeting, ask yourself if it can be resolved through a quick email or phone call. The famous sentence "This meeting could have been an email" is often uttered for a reason.

And check if writing an email or Slack message is necessary. You will interrupt someone's work; is this message worth it?

Outsource Your B2B copywriting and strategy:

Outsourcing your B2B copywriting and strategy offers several benefits. Firstly, it allows you to tap into the knowledge and skills of experts who understand the nuances of persuasive business writing and can tailor their strategies to your target audience. 

Secondly, outsourcing frees up your time to focus on core business functions. Instead of struggling to find the right words or spending hours researching industry trends and competitors, you can trust professionals who specialise in creating persuasive and results-oriented B2B content.

Moreover, outsourcing provides a fresh perspective. Sometimes, being too close to your business can make it challenging to effectively communicate your value proposition and unique selling points. B2B Copywriters and strategists from outside your organisation can bring a fresh set of eyes and help you highlight the aspects that make your business stand out.

When outsourcing B2B copywriting and strategy, choosing the right partner is essential. Look for agencies or freelancers with a proven track record in B2B marketing, strong industry knowledge, and a portfolio that aligns with your goals.

Communicate your objectives clearly, provide them with comprehensive briefs, and check in regularly to ensure the outsourced work aligns with your brand and expectations. I always schedule a briefing call with a new client and send weekly updates about our project. 

As a busy B2B business owner, saving time is crucial for maximising productivity and achieving your goals. You can immediately save ten working hours by implementing these ten hacks, including outsourcing your B2B copywriting and strategy. 

Automation, delegation, effective time management, and leveraging technology are crucial to streamlining your operations and focusing on what truly matters: growing your business.

Happy time-saving and continued success in your business endeavours!


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