5 questions your B2B homepage should answer

Your B2B homepage is the digital face of your business. It's often the first point of contact for potential customers and plays a crucial role in shaping their initial impression of your brand.

Your homepage must provide clear and compelling answers to their most pressing questions to capture your audience's attention and increase conversion rates. 

This blog post will explore five essential questions your B2B homepage should address, helping you create a captivating, conversion-focused online presence.

  1. Who are you?

Imagine landing on a website and struggling to figure out who the company is and what it does. It's frustrating, right? Your audience should be able to identify your brand and understand your core offerings within seconds of landing on your homepage. 

Use a concise and engaging headline that clearly communicates your company's identity. Semrush's headline is an excellent example of that. Accompany your headline with a compelling tagline or subheading summarising what you do.

In the Semrush example, the subheading lists everything they offer plus the advantage for the customer: "Do SEO, content marketing, competitor research, PPC and social media marketing from just one platform". Ensure your brand's personality shines through the design and content, creating a positive and memorable impression. 

2. What are you an expert in?

Once your audience knows who you are, they want to understand why you're worth their attention. Highlight your expertise and unique selling propositions prominently on your homepage. Clearly communicate the value you bring to your customers and what sets you apart from the competition. Use compelling visuals, testimonials, case studies, or industry recognition to establish credibility and build trust. 

Remember, people choose to do business with experts, so showcase your knowledge and experience.

3. Who do you serve?

To capture your audience's attention, you must show them that you understand their needs and challenges. Clearly define your target audience and communicate how your products or services address their pain points. If you need help with that, you're not alone: 42% of marketers don't know their target audience. Gather first-party data from your website, surveys, email, SMS, and your CRM to ensure you know your clients well. Then, ensure your marketing data is fully integrated with your systems and tools so you get the whole picture. Use customer-centric language and imagery to resonate with your ideal customers. If your target industry uses specific words or phrases, use them in your copy if possible. You'll establish a connection and increase the likelihood of conversion by showcasing that you know their industry and can solve their problems.

4. How can they benefit from your services?

Once you've established your expertise and identified your target audience, it's crucial to clearly communicate the benefits of working with you. 

Focus on the outcomes and results your customers can expect from your solutions. Use persuasive copy and compelling visuals to convey the value proposition of your products or services. Case studies are ideal, especially in B2B. 

Highlight key features and advantages, but always emphasise the transformative impact they can have on your customers' businesses. Make it easy for your audience to envision how their lives will improve by partnering with you. 

IBM does a great job of showing the benefits of working with them by publishing data that underlines the success of their projects. You can do the same.

For example, if you consistently get positive feedback for your B2B workshops, calculate the percentage of people who are happy with your service and state that number on your website (98% of our customers would recommend us). You don't need hundreds of customers to do that.

5. What do they need to do next?

After capturing your audience's attention and convincing them of your value, guide them towards the next steps. 

Clearly define your call-to-action (CTA) and make it highly visible on your homepage. Whether it's signing up for a free trial, scheduling a consultation, or requesting a quote, ensure that your CTA stands out and is easily accessible.

Remember that Personalised call-to-actions perform 202% better than basic CTAs, so it's worth spending time on the wording. My website package includes personalised CTAs for that reason.

Use persuasive language and create a sense of urgency to encourage immediate action. Provide intuitive navigation and helpful resources, such as a demo video or FAQ section, to further assist your visitors in taking the next step.

Your B2B homepage is vital in capturing your audience's attention and increasing conversion rates. Remember to strike a balance between being conversational, friendly, and professional.

By addressing these five essential questions—Who are you? What are you an expert in? Who do you serve? How can they benefit from your services? What do they need to do next?—you can create a captivating and conversion-focused online presence.

Do you need help with your B2B website? Book your free discovery call here or send me a message to solve that problem for good!


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