
About me

Hi, nice to meet you.

I'm Melody, your B2B copywriter dedicated to growing your business through conversion copywriting.

My first paid ad was a campaign for Christmas presents- I was a toddler and showed up in a white dress.

My second one was a voice-over for a laundry detergent (oh, the glamour). I was six.

I typed my first stories on my mum’s orange (yes!) typewriter when I was seven.

And I knew the names of all the big ad agencies by heart.

My late father was a copywriter, but I didn’t like the cut-throat atmosphere in the industry.

However, when you love something that much, you simply can’t help but do it.

So I decided I don’t want to simply help sell “stuff” but help great companies connect with the right clients via content and a clear strategy.

I have written In English and German about many things, among them:

  • The African energy sector

  • Executive Coaching

  • AI tools

  • Blockchain

  • Cybersecurity

My husband always jokes there’s no subject that I don’t find fascinating.

He might be right.

And my clients based everywhere in the world benefit from this insatiable curiosity.

I also hate guesswork, unprofessional demeanour, and rice in soup.

We might disagree on the last one.

But if you want a B2B copywriter who is obsessed about her work and your success, you might be able to overlook that.

I’d love to hear from you!

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