Outsourcing your B2B content? Here are 6 red flags

As soon as you can afford to, hire your weaknesses.
— Sara Blakeley, CEO of Spanx

For a B2B business, it's hard to consistently create all the content that's needed these days. Every social media platform requires a slightly different tone and feel for your content, and SEO has become an art. AI-generated content often sounds too generic to make a difference to your business.

Outsourcing this part of your business can save you 8 hours or more each week and ensure your brand voice is consistent. Now all you need is an excellent content writer to make that happen. 

The problem: thousands of people on the internet claim to be great B2B content writers. How can you find the right one and avoid costly mistakes?

Here are six warning signs you should look out for when hiring a B2B content writer. 

  1. They claim to be allrounders 

The truth is, you want someone who knows what they're doing. A freelance B2B content writer who claims they can also set up your CRM and take photos won't be good enough in any of those skills. To get really good at something, you need focus. Check if they can back up their credentials with certificates or work experience.

That said, B2B content writers should have some extra skills these days. I can create blog images for their B2B blog posts and also provide images for their LinkedIn posts if they book the LinkedIn post package so the content can be loaded straight away. And if my customers need a professional photographer, I can recommend a few.

2. Their prices are too low

A wise woman once told me, "If you pay peanuts, you get monkeys." The years have taught me she was right.

If a B2B content writer is very cheap, they have to take on a lot of jobs to earn a living. That means they have to cut corners somewhere. They'll either produce generic content that's easier to write or skip the essential research stage. Just think of a house with no foundations. It's not going to work. 

3. Their content isn't up to scratch

This one comes with a caveat: I know an excellent B2B content writer who is successful and doesn't even have a website. Her blog hasn't been updated for a while, either. You'll find short, witty posts on her LinkedIn profile once a week, which already gives you a hint of her qualities, but that's it. 

There are quite a few freelancers out there who are so booked up that they don't have time to create their own content. It happens.

Usually, though, such a lack of content should make you treated carefully. These content writers might treat writing as a hobby or don't know what to write about.

Check if you can find any testimonials or recommendations from former clients.

If they have a lot of B2B content, check if it's well-written and there are no major mistakes. You'll find many websites claiming you can earn easy money with a little bit of writing on the side.

As a result, many people who have no clue about good writing and have never heard about essential writing tools like Grammarly are out there, flaunting some rather dubious content. But at least that one is easy: Just read a couple of their articles, and you'll know. 

4. You can't find testimonials

That doesn't necessarily mean this B2B content writer isn't good. They could just start out or have clients that don't want to give their names. However, if you can't find any positive reviews anywhere and no case studies, proceed with caution. Social proof is vital in content marketing for a reason. 

5. They don't update their skills

B2B content writers aren't SEO experts, but they need to know how SEO works to write engaging content that rates high. Keyword search is a must, along with an awareness of the latest SEO trends and knowledge about content marketing.

Google and every social media platform change their algorithm several times a year. That impacts the kind of content you need and how it has to be written. That's why excellent B2B content writers keep up with the latest trends. That includes AI tools.

6. They talk more than they listen

Why is that a red flag? The more the B2B content writer talks, the less time they'll have to find out about you- and that will show in their work.

For a start, they need to know your target audience, business goals and what's not working at the moment. Good listening skills are a must if you want to create bespoke B2B content that moves the needle for a business, and a seasoned content writer knows that.

Ideally, you should leave the initial meeting with a few new insights and the feeling that the B2B content writer understood your needs even better than you. At the very least, they should have asked you lots of questions regarding your business and customers. If they're talking about themselves more than you, it's time to look elsewhere. 

As you search for the ideal B2B content writer, be vigilant for these red flags. Remember, finding the right fit is crucial for your B2B content's success and your business's growth.

Don't settle for anything less than a writer who possesses relevant experience, excellent communication skills, a research-oriented approach, versatility, and a high level of professionalism.

Trust your instincts, ask for references, and take the time to find the perfect partner- it’s worth it.


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