Write like an accountant, not a creative

It's 9 am on a Sunday evening. You had a crazy week at the office and are overwhelmed by too many projects. Wine glass in hand, you finally have a little bit of time to think. Covid 19 has made you reconsider future prospects - maybe it's time to work for yourself?

Last week you decided to go for it - you would establish yourself as an authority and post at least an article a week! Yet something happened on the way and in the end, you haven't written any.

You decide once again to change your plan slightly and feel guilty. How come that some people produce content at an alarming rate and you are still struggling? What has to change?

It looks like you think too much like a creative and not enough like an accountant.

Don't wait for the kiss of the muse - even she keeps social distancing these days.

Do this instead:

  1. Jot down the amount of time it takes you to produce good quality content. That includes research and reading the necessary material! Don't be surprised: It might be more than you think.

  2. Next, have a look at your schedule to see where you can put in these extra hours. Typically you will write better in the mornings - can you jot down some ideas for articles in the afternoon or evening and formulate them in the morning?

  3. Schedule a writing day. If you are not a professional writer, chances are you won't have the time to produce a good post every day. You can, however, keep 1-2 hours of a fixed day of the week free for your writing obligations. That means no meetings, no doctors appointments and no coffee with your friend. Be religious about it!

  4. Use an online assistant writing tool to check for any spelling or grammar mistakes. We all miss the odd "you're" instead of "your" - not a good look if you want to build your brand and easy to avoid with such a tool.

Being creative takes time - and planning. Don't leave it until Sunday evening.


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