What are Power Words in Copywriting?

What are Power Words?

In copywriting, certain words pack an extra punch and visceral impact. These are known as "power words" - terms that trigger an emotional response and compel the reader to keep reading or take action.

Who invented Power Words?

The concept of "power words" in marketing and advertising has emerged organically over time, without a single person credited as the originator.

But there are a few notable figures who helped popularise and promote the strategic use of psychologically persuasive words in copywriting:

  1. Dr. Frank Luntz

An American political consultant and pollster, Frank Luntz is widely known for his work on crafting effective language and messaging. In the early 2000s, he wrote books like "Words That Work," which examined how certain words can influence emotions, opinions, and behaviour.

  1. Advertising Legends

Going back to the "Mad Men" era of advertising in the 1950s-60s, veteran ad writers like Victor Schwab, Robert Collier and Eugene Schwartz highlighted the virtues of using impactful, vivid words to hook audiences. Their books and teachings laid the groundwork for power word tactics.

  1. Internet Marketers

As internet marketing and direct response took off in the 1990s/2000s, digital entrepreneurs like Joe Sugarman, Dan Kennedy and Gary Halbert shared provocative lists of powerful words and "psychological tactics" copywriters could use to boost conversions.

  1. Content Marketers

More recently, in the 2010s, bloggers and content marketers like Brian Clark at Copyblogger helped codify principles around emotional marketing language, memorable content and catchy online copy - making power words a staple lesson.

So, although the use of power words dates back centuries, these modern figures helped popularise these writing tactics in the 20th/21st-century marketing world.

What makes Power Words so powerful?

Power words tap into our primal motivations and desires. Some examples include "proven", "effortless", "breakthrough", "opportunity", and "revolutionary". When used strategically in marketing copy, these words capture attention and make an offer seem more compelling.

Why Power Words Matter in B2B

In the B2B space, you often sell complex products or services to decision-makers who need to justify purchases. Power words are crucial for addressing underlying wants and needs. They emotionally engage prospects and make even rationally-minded buyers lean in.

For example, rather than just listing product features, describe how a new software will "effortlessly streamline operations" and provide a "proven competitive advantage."

Those power words ignite curiosity and desire in a way that plain descriptors simply do not.

Power Words examples in B2B Copy

Power words lend themselves well to headlines, subject lines, calls-to-action and other sections where you want maximum impact:

  • Email Subject Line: Insider Report - 9 Secrets for Effortless Customer Acquisition

  • Whitepaper Title: The Proven Path to Revolutionary Sales Performance

  • CTA Button: Get Your Free Opportunity Audit

  • Benefits Headline: Breakthrough Logistics Software Slashes Costs

Using power words as part of your B2B copy strategy will boost its impact. The key is understanding what emotionally motivates your prospects and choosing words that ignite those intrinsic desires.


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