
SEO Copywriting Tips to Boost Your B2B Tech Content

Tips, tricks and tools on all things content to help your B2B business grow.

Melody Flumendorf Melody Flumendorf

Why is content marketing so anti-age?

Content marketing that shows older people still enjoying life in various ways isn't only attractive to that age group: It's also not creating a positive image of ageing in the younger audience. That, in turn, creates an overall positive brand image.

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Melody Flumendorf Melody Flumendorf

The 6 trends for content writing in 2021

Worldwide, more people than ever spent their time in front of screens - and companies had to increase their visibility online to reach clients. That means more competition and the need for better quality content that is focused on its target audience.

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Don’t be a stranger.

Do you want a blog that attracts clients- in your brand voice? A blog that reflects you and your services or product?