8 signs you need a content writer

Did you know that  70% of people would prefer to learn about a company through articles rather than advertisements?

The problem: Someone has to write all these articles.

And if you want to include SEO and proper keywords, that can be time-consuming.

Would it be worth your while to outsource writing instead?

Here are eight signs that it might just make sense: 

  1. You like writing but can’t find the time to do it

Contrary to popular belief, not everyone who hires a copywriter doesn’t like writing.

Many of my clients enjoy sitting down and jotting their ideas into a Word document.

The problem is that they can’t do that consistently.

Running a business like a well-oiled machine requires you to do too many things simultaneously; inevitably, some things won’t get done.

You only have 24 hours in the day, and life has a curious way to creep upon us.

Before you know it, it’s been two months since you have published a new blog post or sent out a newsletter.

But this kind of content is vital for your business- a blog helps you rank higher in Google search results, and a newsletter builds a relationship with your clients.

Can you really afford to miss out on that? 

2 . You find it hard to come up with topic ideas

I cannot tell you how many content idea calendars I downloaded, but I know that none of them was really useful. Why? 

They are usually freebies, aimed at all kinds of companies and are so generic that they won’t attract your ideal clients.

One of the tips you will often find is to tie your content to official days like “world health day” or “coffee day”.

I’m not against that, but it won’t get you far. How often can you do that without boring your readers? 

A good copywriter will create a content plan with you and steer you away from topics that won’t do anything for your growth.

After all, that’s what you need that content for. 

3. You find writing to sell too difficult

That’s another challenge my clients face: Writing for a specific audience at a conference is relatively easy if you know them well.

Writing to attract clients without sounding too salesy is much more challenging.

It’s a skill you can acquire, but it takes a while to learn it.

More than that, it means reading a few books about direct marketing, copywriting, the difference between long and short content, custom content and quite a bit of psychology.

Do you have that time?

Or would you instead outsource your writing to an expert who will get you results, no questions asked?

That way, you stay the CEO of your company rather than the work bee. 

4. You want to find your brand voice

No matter where customers find you- on social media, via your landing page or a blog post- your brand should have a distinctive sound.

One that makes it easy for them to realise that it’s your brand and sound professional.

That doesn’t mean stuffy or boring; your brand voice needs to represent you and what your stand for.

Your brand voice will automatically attract your ideal clients and weed out the wrong ones- if you have the right one.

A good copywriter or content writer will do precisely that.

If you need help with your brand voice, they will be able to create it together with you, using phrases and words your clients use, and if you already have one, they can write all your content on brand. 

5. Your website copy needs a refresh

These days, websites get old very quickly.

Too many of us leave ours to linger in the www for too long, only to discover it steers clients away rather than attracting them.

Having someone write your website copy for you makes life much easier.

They can go through all the content with a fine-tooth comb, adding the right power words and phrases to push SEO, whilst you can continue focusing on your business.

It’s a bit like having the builders around whilst you move into a nice hotel- and the best part is, unlike building work, you can always ask them to change a few things without needing to destroy a whole building.

Afterwards, you can cut the sentence “I have a website, but it’s still in the making/ we are still rewriting it” from your vocabulary and proudly send new customers and prospects to it—a dream. 

6. You use a lot of social media platforms

Hands up who is on more than one social media platform!

It’s almost impossible to be without a social media presence these days- many of us need to create content for more than two platforms daily.

That means more work and less time for the operational side of your business.

A social media manager can take a lot off your hands, but they don’t write engaging content you can use on your website or an article for a magazine.

Once your company has grown to a certain size, it’s impossible to write all the content you need yourself without reducing the quality of writing.

It’s time to hire a copywriting professional. 

7. You don’t know your way around SEO

Whilst SEO is more a skill than an art, it does take time to get your head around it.

Good articles will attract more readers and prospects over time because their backlinks and helpful tips push your website higher in the search engines.

To do that, you have to know what you’re doing.

Learning SEO and applying it to your copywriting and content, in general, will again take time away from your core business.

Investing in a content expert can make the difference between success and failure in Google search. 

8. You need a fresh pair of eyes for your content

Our biz is a bit like our baby- we love it so much that we often can’t see its faults.

Or worse, we see flaws where there are none (hello, imposter syndrome!).

Then there’s the shiny object syndrome- we develop an idea, then drop it when we hear about a new trend in content marketing.

That happened when reels showed up on Instagram, and it usually meant we lost out on the progress we had already made.

An outsider who deals with content all day will show you what works best for your business and where you can save time and money. 

If you would like to get fresh blog articles written for your company straight into your inbox, have a look at my SEO Blog Booster - it might just do the trick. 


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