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The 4 types of content your business needs

Oh hello there, I didn't hear you come in. That might be because I haven't seen you for a while. Is your content - or lack thereof - to blame? Don't worry, I have written this handy overview so you can get to work right away- and a bonus tip about social media if you make it to the end of the article.

Let's begin. Here are four things you should focus on when writing content for your business:

  1. Relevant, engaging website content. Many will tell you that you don't even need a website these days - a Landing Page (see Nr.2) will do the work just as well. I disagree. Having the written equivalent of Chris Hemsworth as a website will ensure your potential clients that you know what you are doing and have put time and effort in your company - a good indicator that you will do the same with their project.

  2. A Landing Page that doesn't only speak to Americans. What do I mean by that? Cultural references and different mentalities play a huge role in copywriting. US Landing pages tend to be bold and big- UK readers often find this approach too pushy and are put off. As always, do your market research before and write down the exact words your clients use when describing what they want - don't just copy-paste an approach, no matter how successful someone else is on social media.

  3. Regular newsletters that offer value. Mail isn't dead- a good newsletter informs, entertains and helps your customers to make an informed purchase decision. Make the headline bold and a bit weird so they get curious- and offer actionable advice they can use immediately. Yes, you can put the odd offer in too, just don't focus only on a sale - a newsletter is about connection.

  4. Interesting blog posts that don't get old. By now, every company out there should have a blog. It's perfect evergreen content and drives readers to your website long after you have written it. Make sure to keep it fresh - check your posts every 90 days and edit them if necessary. Google search doesn't like outdated content- and your clients don't love it either.

Did these tips help you? Then let me know in the comment section below.

And here is a bonus tip for you:

When posting on social media, make sure you double-check your audience is the same as on other channels- Instagram tends to attract a lot of single entrepreneurs and Facebook needs warmer, more informal copy as your ad or page shows up between your readers' family and friends. Adapt your content strategy for these channels.