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8 B2B content mistakes to avoid

Many businesses struggle with similar challenges when creating compelling content that attracts customers. If you're an SME, rest assured you're not alone in this endeavour. There are eight common content mistakes that B2B companies often make - here, you'll learn how to avoid them.

Focus on Your Customers, Not Yourself

One of the most significant mistakes businesses make is creating content that revolves around their interests rather than addressing their customers' needs. It's easy to get carried away with exciting ideas and invest time and resources in them, only to discover later that your customers aren't interested. 

Here's what your customers aren't interested in:

  • The latest award you won

  • Your recent workshop with a client

  • A talk you gave. 

Instead, make your content about your customers and their pain points. Everything you post online has to answer the question, "and how does that benefit me, the client?" 

For example, have one of your employees describe how the new internal system has improved customer interactions. Sharing tangible benefits will resonate more with your audience.

Choose the Right Social Media Platforms:

Determining the right social media platforms for your B2B business is crucial. To make an informed decision, understand where your customers spend their time. 

LinkedIn is a no-brainer for B2B companies. However, it's essential to tailor your approach to specific demographics. For instance, if you're targeting Generation Z, consider investing more effort into platforms like TikTok.

Remember that maintaining a strong presence on multiple platforms requires significant resources, so starting with a few is best to expand gradually as you gain expertise and effectiveness.

Neglecting the Power of SEO in Website Copy: 

Another crucial mistake is overlooking search engine optimisation (SEO) when crafting website copy. Your website can be a powerful tool to attract organic traffic and generate leads. Conduct thorough keyword research to identify the terms and phrases your target audience uses to find businesses like yours.

Tools like SemrushMoz and Neil Patel can help you find them. My Website Package includes SEO and keyword search to ensure your business can be found. 

Incorporate these keywords strategically throughout your website, including page titles, headings, meta descriptions, and body content. By optimising your website for search engines, you increase your chances of being discovered by potential B2B clients.

Avoid Vague and Generic Copy: 

One major mistake businesses make is using vague language on their websites. Your B2B audience is looking for specific information and solutions tailored to their needs. 

Avoid generic statements and jargon that fail to convey your unique value proposition, such as "unique", "revolutionary", and "quality". 

Instead, focus on clear, concise, and customer-centric messaging that addresses their pain points directly. Incorporate tangible examples, success stories, and case studies to demonstrate your value to your clients.

Overlooking Clear Calls-to-Action (CTAs): 

One common mistake in B2B website copy is neglecting to include clear and compelling calls-to-action (CTAs). Your website should guide visitors towards taking the desired action, whether requesting a quote, scheduling a consultation, or downloading a resource.

Incorporate strong and persuasive CTAs throughout your website, strategically placing them on relevant pages and making them visually prominent. Clearly communicate the value and benefits of taking action, instilling a sense of urgency when appropriate.

And personalising CTAs can get you up to 202% better conversion rates, so it's worth spending time on them. By optimising your CTAs, you can drive conversions and capture valuable leads.

Ignoring the Importance of Clear Messaging Hierarchy: 

Compelling website copy should follow a logical and organised messaging hierarchy. Neglecting this aspect can lead to confusion and a lack of clarity for your B2B audience, so they'll leave your website. Think of your B2B website as a journey your reader is taking. You want to make it a pleasant one. 

Make sure your website's content flows in a logical order, starting with a clear and concise headline that captures attention and communicates your value proposition. 

Subheadings and bullet points help break up text and make it scannable, guiding readers through the key points. Use concise paragraphs and highlight important information. A well-structured messaging hierarchy ensures your visitors can easily navigate and understand your offerings, improving their overall experience.

Consistency is Key:

Many companies struggle to publish new content because they lack the time and resources. However, consistent content creation is vital for engagement and customer satisfaction. A well-defined content plan with clear publication times, assigned authors, and expected outcomes can alleviate these worries. 

For example, instead of rushing to produce a blog post on AI, plan ahead and assign someone to write about it in advance. Determine the frequency of content publication based on the platform you're using, but a good rule of thumb is at least one blog post per week and daily social media posts.

Delight Your Existing Customers:

Less than 50% of companies focus on customer acquisition, but only 18% focus on customer retention rates. While acquiring new customers is essential, pay attention to the value of delighting your existing ones. Loyal customers can become brand advocates and contribute to organic growth by spreading the word about your business. 

Consider offering exclusive content to your loyal customers, such as a short video course or an early access preview of a new book chapter. Think about the type of content you would share with a trusted colleague and find ways to make it accessible to your top customers. Focusing on their needs and going the extra mile will foster loyalty and strengthen customer relationships.

By avoiding these common content mistakes and adopting a customer-centric approach, your B2B business can stand out. Start small, gradually expand your presence, and continually assess the impact of your efforts. With time, you'll see positive results contributing to your business's growth.

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Note: This blog post was written in 2021 and updated in 2023.