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B2B Website Copy: 4 strategies to overcome content overwhelm

This blog post was updated in 2024.

Once upon a time, there was an ambitious, talented, creative woman who ran her own B2B business.

To become even more successful, she loved to listen to podcasts, read articles, follow blogs, and take online courses. 

This worked well for many months.

After a while, however, she noticed she couldn't keep up with all the information she had book-, ear- and otherwise marked.

She started to read more on holidays just to keep up. She listened to podcasts while running.

Still, the list kept growing until one fateful day when her laptop shut down, taking all 32 open browser windows with it.

Her scream made the stack of unread self-help books topple, burying her under them.

If this fairy tale reminds you of yourself, you're in good company.

I have yet to meet a B2B business owner who can keep up with the daily avalanche of content that comes their way. 

As B2B entrepreneurs, we're driven by a constant need to learn, improve, and stay on top of industry trends.

This curiosity and drive make us successful, but it can also easily get the better of us.

There is so much content being produced on topics relevant to B2B businesses, such as SEO, sales, marketing, product development, and leadership.

It's tempting to bookmark and save anything that looks useful for "later reading."

Before you know it, you've got a mile-long list of articles, highlighted books, and bookmarked blogs that you'll never have time to get through.

Content overload is real, and it's preventing you from fully focusing on what matters most for your business right now.

So, what's the solution for B2B business owners?

As always, A plan.

Here are 4 ways to cut through the noise and prioritise only the content that will move your business goals forward:

1. Clarify your "Why" 

Sit down and ask yourself: Why do I want to read or listen to this content?

As B2B entrepreneurs, we have so many interests and love to learn - but this curiosity can quickly become a black hole of distraction.

Take some time to clarify your business goals and priorities for this quarter or month.

Are you focused on:

  • Improving your website conversion rate

  • Building your email list

  • Improving productivity

  • Strengthening culture and leadership?

Think of content curation like tidying your digital workspace.

Just as you wouldn't keep every piece of paper that crosses your desk, you shouldn't save every article you come across.

Be selective, keeping only the resources that directly contribute to your current goals.

For more tips on improving your B2B marketing strategy, check out my guide on Content Marketing trends.

With your priorities clarified, you can determine if a given piece of content will help you make progress.

Be focused only on your "why" when deciding what content to consume. This process might take some time, so be patient with yourself.

2. Create a learning plan

Once your priorities are clear, make a plan for focused learning. For a set period - maybe a month or quarter - focus your reading and listening only on content related to your "why." 

Setting specific learning goals

List the specific topics, issues, or skills you want to learn about.

That could be creating a podcast, mastering a social media platform like LinkedIn, or how to create a product suite for your business.

Paste links to any relevant content you've already identified. Then, limit yourself to consuming only the content on this plan.

Scheduling Dedicated Learning Time

You might have heard about block scheduling, which involves setting a specific time for a goal or project. This method works well with content overwhelm, too.

For example, dedicate Thursday as a learning day and schedule 30-minute slots for learning.

This focused approach is more challenging than you think! But it's the only way to avoid getting caught in the never-ending content stream.

Tracking Your Progress

Tools like Monday make it easy to track your progress, but you can also use a simple paper list you tick off.

That will motivate you to continue with your content curation and prevent information overload.

3. Curate ruthlessly

Thinking carefully before you save or bookmark any new content, will this help me achieve my business goals? If not, don't bother saving it! 

As B2B business owners, we often save things because they seem interesting or we think they may be useful "someday."

Be disciplined about only keeping content directly relevant to what you're focused on now.

Evaluate your existing bookmarks and reading list with the same mindset. If it's not mission-critical, let it go. This curation process can free up a lot of time.

4. Prioritise high-impact mediums

Be selective not just about content topics but also about mediums. With only so much time to consume content, prioritise mediums that deliver the most value for your learning style and goals.

For example, a short-form blog post will give you a different value than a 60-minute podcast episode or a 300-page book.

Think about when, where, and how you can absorb the needed content. 

Focus on mediums like podcasts for journeys, long-form content for weekend reading, and quick articles for morning learning.

Limit mediums like social media links, which rarely provide deep value. 

The Bottom Line

You can cut through the overwhelming flood of content by:

  • Getting focused on your business goals

  • Creating a learning plan

  • Curating carefully

  • Prioritising high-impact mediums.

This focused approach can free up significant time and mental space.

More importantly, it ensures that you spend your limited time only on content that will boost your B2B business.

The result? You'll be able to create and execute plans that transform your website copy, marketing messaging, product positioning, and more.

I can help clarify your business goals and create compelling website copy and messaging strategy.

Reach out today to explore how focused content creation and messaging can accelerate your business growth. Let's cut through the noise together.