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10 tips to keep in mind when creating content for your brand

Your brand deserves great content - the kind that gets you in front of your target audience. But how can you make sure you use the words and phrases that connect your ideal client with your business? Here are ten ways to do just that. 

  1. Make sure your product is as good as your content

If you have great blog articles, jaw-dropping social media posts and creative copy, people expect a product to match. Be sure you don't promise what you can't deliver. It's OK to launch something that is still in the making, but be transparent about it (see point 9) and let potential customers know what they will and won't get. Otherwise, they will feel betrayed- not a good start for a good relationship (see point 6).


     2. Take your time 

When there's pressure to sell, many clients rush into producing content without a clear idea of what their dream customers want. Building a cohesive story around your brand takes time. Getting an online presence that aligns with your brand can come organically. When it comes to business, grit wins over speed every time. It's important to give yourself the space to find your voice so you sound authentic. 

On that note…

  3. Build your content on your value proposition

We all have values- but many of us value different things. That's how we find our tribe. Make sure your client base can find theirs by writing about what you stand for. That can be tricky- we notice when brands jump on the bandwagon and declare solidarity when their actions show, in fact, nothing of that sort. It's OK if you're still a work in progress- we all are.

Suppose you can write an article about your struggles to produce your product in the UK or the difficulties to be more inclusive. In that case, that is far more convincing than off-the-peg sentences about "taking steps to…". Be brave. 

4. Keep it simple

Many successful entrepreneurs I know use only a couple of platforms to promote themselves. There is no reason to do it all. It is very easy to get carried away and let your brand fizzle out in the process.

Start with one or two channels, ensure your team gets the hang of how they work and interact with your clients there, and you can avoid overwhelming both yourself and your staff.  

5. Know who you are

I'm sure you have heard of Simon Sinek's "Start with Why" proposition (if not, you can watch it here ). If you can clearly articulate the reason why your company exists and the problem you solve, it becomes easier to say yes to you. It will also help you whenever you are stuck for inspiration or run out of content ideas. Always go back to your Why, and you won't get lost. 

6. Get personal

Put your personality into your brand and be ready to be open. As the famous saying goes, people don't buy from brands; they buy from people. We all love a peek behind the scenes or getting to know the inspiration behind your work. Your brand tells a story; we want to see if that story resonates with us. And if it does, we are more likely to stay and buy. 

7. Think global

Despite all the political upheaval in the last years, most people still favour connection over separation- that's why travelling is such a popular pastime. Most of your customers are probably curious about the world and want to know more about other cultures and traditions. They might also respond to your content differently.

We have missed so many holidays in 2020- why now show clients the world with the right content? Posting stories from clients worldwide can be a great start to spark a conversation and create a thread to let customers feel part of a community- wherever they live. 

8. Collaborate 

Getting together with like-minded individuals and working together mutually beneficial is one of the great pleasures for many of us. It will also help you to increase your online presence and inspire new ideas. A guest post on your blog or an Instagram takeover is one of many possibilities to make that happen. We all crave a bit of unity; support that desire in your customers by showing them that it's not you or me; it's we. 

9. Be honest and transparent

A sustainability report is a must for an environmentally conscious company. But what if you are still not where you want to be? Then tell your customers exactly what you want to improve and the steps you are taking to get there. Explain to them why you haven't reached your goals yet. 90% of them globally say that it's more important to trust the brands they buy; if you can show them you take their concerns seriously, that effort goes a long way.

10. Keep connecting

Data is essential- so is market research. But are you also aware of the conversations taking place on social media when it comes to your brand? A few chats with your clients might give you a better understanding of their needs and pains than looking only at the opening rates of your newsletter or the time spent on your website. Think of a conversation with a friend; you want to listen more than you talk so you can get to know her better. The question is always: how can I serve my customers better? What do they miss? It is surprising how often you will find an answer to that in one of your blog articles in the comment section, so keep your eyes open. 

If your brand could benefit from a content writer who is also a strategist (pleased to meet you), book a free 30-minute chat here- I'd love to find out more about your company!